- Mash at a high temperature, as high as 174F, which I did.
- Use a low attenuating yeast/yeast that can't consume Maltotriose (which you create by mashing high), which I did
- Add ingredients that lend to body (like wheat, oats, lactose) I added a small amount of lactose.
- Add lots of adjuncts for complexity, color, and flavor because the malt bill is so small. I did.
- Adjust your equipment profile for low efficiency, about 37%.
- Pre-acidify the wort before fermenting to a pH of 4.6 for safety. I did not do this because on brew day I was out phosphoric acid. I did have a significant amount of hops in this beer and dry hopping was done in one day. The beer did not get infected in any way (that was visible).
So how did it turn out?
Green grass and lemon like hoppiness. Some roast.
The flavor is much like the aroma at this point. It's very green grass tasting and finishes with a slight roast note. The body is still a bit on the thin side IMO and I may bump up the lactose next time I brew.
Overall this beer is ... okay. It's better than most commercial craft NA beers I've tasted (most of them taste too worty) but not as good as I wanted it to be. I really want a valid full beer experience at a very low abv to NA grade abv, that may not be possible but I'll give it a few revisions before making that determination.
Recipe changed for 82% BH efficiency:

Batch Size: 5.50 gal
Boil Size: 5.84 gal
Boil Time: 15 min
End of Boil Vol: 5.72 gal
Final Bottling Vol: 5.00
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Brewer: Wilby
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: Horsebarn NA Beer 5.5 Gallons BIAB
Efficiency: 76.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 76.00 %
Taste Rating: 30.0
Prepare for Brewing
- Hydrate yeast with 31.432254056213388 ml warm water and add optional 2.7 g of GoFerm
- Clean and Prepare Brewing Equipment
- Total Water Needed: 6.22 gal
- Mash Water Acid: 55.1 ml
Amount | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
Mash or Steep Grains
Amount | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
Name | Description | Step Temperature | Step Time |
- Sparge Water Acid: -0.0 ml
- Remove grains, and prepare to boil wort
- Add water to achieve boil volume of 5.84 gal
- Estimated pre-boil gravity is 1.008 SG
Amount | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
Amount | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
- Estimated Post Boil Vol: 5.72 gal and Est Post Boil Gravity: 1.009 SG
Cool and Transfer Wort
- Cool wort to fermentation temperature
- Transfer wort to fermenter
- Add water if needed to achieve final volume of 5.50 gal
Pitch Yeast and Measure Gravity and Volume
Amount | Name | Type | # | %/IBU | Volume |
- Measure Actual Original Gravity _______ (Target: 1.009 SG)
- Measure Actual Batch Volume _______ (Target: 5.50 gal)
- 12 Apr 2022 - Primary Fermentation (4.0 days at 67.0 F ending at 67.0)
- 16 Apr 2022 - Secondary Fermentation (10.0 days at 67.0 F ending at 67.0)
Dry Hop and Bottle/Keg
- Measure Final Gravity: _________ (Estimate: 1.004 SG)
- Date Bottled/Kegged: 26 Apr 2022 - Carbonation: Bottle with 3.93 oz Corn Sugar
- Age beer for 30 days at 65.0 F
- 26 May 2022 - Drink and enjoy!
Pre Acidified to 4.6pH pre ferment.