
Google Docs Spreadsheet

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Beer Name:ABV = Alcohol by VolumeAA = Alpha Acids
Beer Style/Category:ABW = Alcohol by WeightAAU = Alpha Acid Units
Brewer(s):S.G. = Specific GravityIBU = International Bittering Units
Recipe Source:O.G. = Original GravityEstSG = Estimated Specific Gravity
Date:F.G. = Final GravityGU = Gravity Units
gr = grain
Specifications:Efficiency EstFormulas
Total Batch Volume:Gravity Units = (O.G. -1)*1000*Volume
Original Gravity:Predicted Final Gravity = ((O.G. - 1)*(1-Attenuation%)) + 1
Final Gravity:ABV = O.G. – F.G / 7.5
Assumed Efficiency:ABW = ABV * 7.5
Yeast Attenuation:F.G. = 1 - Attenuation as Decimal * GU
Pre-Boil Volume:Evaporation % =100 - (postboil vol x 100 -;- preboil vol)
Pre-Boil Gravity:EstSG = PreBoil SG in GU * PreBoil Vol / PostBoil Vol
Boil Duration:Strike tmp = .2 / ration * msh tmp – gr tmp + msh tmp
Post-Boil Volume:Ex Strke tmp = (.2 / 1.25)(152 – 70) + 152 = 165.12 F
ABV:AAU = Hop Weight * A.A. %
Mash:Scaling Hops = AAU / AA
Mash Type:Scaling Ex. Recipe Calls ½ oz 8.1% you have 5.4%.
Total Grain Weight:.5 * 8.1 = 4.05 AAU
Grain/Water Ratio:y * 5.4 = 4.05 | y = 4.05 / 5.4 | y=.75 oz of 5.4
Strike Volume/Temp.:Bitterness Ratio = IBUs / O.G.
Mash Temp./Duration:Degress Plato = S.G. / 4
Additional Step Temp./Duration/Vol.:Recipe Total Gravity = GU * Batch Volume (5.5Gal)
Additional Step Temp./Duration/Vol.:Efficiency = O.G. GU / Grain Potential GU
Actual Efficiency:(EstSG)GU After Boil = Preboil GU * Preboil Volume / Ending Boil Volume
GU Adj w/Extrct = Target GU - Preboil GU / Extrct GU per LB per Gal (Light DME=44)
Carbonation Level:
Priming Method:

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