The idea that most intrigued me was the idea of a brew day checklist. This is something I haven't used before but I immediately thought it would be useful. I mean who hasn't had that Oh Shit moment while brewing because you forgot to do something? Usually for me this moment is realizing I forgot to add metabisulfite to the water to get rid of Chlorine and Chloramines before mashing or I forgot my salt additions during the mash.
So I decided to create my own checklist and this is what I came up with. Maybe it will be useful to someone else.
Brew Day Checklist
- Heat Mash Water and add Campden Tablet, Acidify If necessary
- Weigh and Crush Grains
- Add Salts to mash water and dough in
- Heat Sparge Water
- Wash Lauter Tun
- Vorlauf and Batch Sparge
- Start Boil
- Prep Hop Additions
- Clean Mash Tun and Lauter Tun
- Sanitize Fermentor, Airlocks, Aeration Stone or Wine Degasser and Hose
- Add Immersion Chiller or hook up pump and Plate Chiller and Circulate to Sanitize
- Add Whirlfloc
- Whirlpool if necessary
- Chill
- Aerate
- Add Yeast
- Clean Boil Kettle
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