This was a mammoth brew day. We ran into all sorts of problems from not enough room in two 10 gallon mash tuns, not enough room in a 15 gallon kettle to not being able to get the barrel to seal. All in all I was in the brew room for about 9 hours.
The O.G. ended up being 1.129 after adding 3lbs of dry malt extract to the boil kettle. It was obvious we weren't going to hit our numbers when we took the preboil gravity so we added the extract. F.G. was 1.039, a little higher than expected (1.035) but after tasting the hydrometer sample I'm not a all worried. This beer is going to be fantastic with some age on it.
We eventually got the used apple brandy barrel to seal (we used apple brandy) and transferred the fermented brew into it. Here are some pics.
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