Just over a week ago I brewed this French Saison. The grist for this beer included about 40% sweet potato which is just a little artistic license based on saying farmhouse brewers of the time threw whatever they had into the mash. They meant wheat, spelt, and rye, but I'd bet more than one chucked their garden leftovers in there as well. Belgium grew sweet potatoes during the 1500s so Sweet Potato Saison is born.
This beer is not clear, it has plenty of haze despite fining it with gelatin. It's on the border of golden and orange, and isn't particularly appealing to look at.
It leaves a nice lace on the glass while drinking.
Fruity, slight banana. Slight pepper spice
Banana, light pepper spice. General fruitiness
It does have some body but finishes dry
Overall this beer is tasty. The flavors shift around, sometimes the fruitiness is more prominent, sometimes it's the spices, sometimes it's all banana. It's easy to drink a couple but gets tiring on the pallet after that. It's a wonderful beer that I will make again.
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