Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Getting that Itch Again

Well it's been years since I've posted anything to this blog. I've purchased a new home and been promoted at work a couple times, and a global pandemic, all of which have contributed to the hiatus. Those aren't the only reasons for the long absence, while I have been brewing, it hasn't been anywhere near as often, or with as much passion. but...

 I think the bug is back. I've been thinking, reading, and watching homebrew videos again lately whenever possible. I missed the Kveik takeover and I'm interested in experimenting and learning about this new-old yeast, Voss and Lutra specifically sound intriguing for IPAs and Clean-Lager like beers respectively.

The photo above was taken before dismantling the last of my (and my clubs) barrel program. I have plans to turn the room into a man-cave cigar lounge. I think my barreling days are over, if I want a wood/whiskey flavoring to my beer,  I'll soak some oak staves in bourbon and drop those into my fermenters.

Back to the subject of this post, the itch is back. I've ordered ingredients for two beers, a French Saison that I've made in the past and has turned out superbly, and a Red IPA that I've never made before. I have memories of 21st Amendment's Toaster Pastry IPA and I want to create a similar beer. Both are 10 gallon batches and I'm looking forward to the process again. 

I've spent the last two evenings tearing apart my brewing equipment, soaking fittings, changing hoses, flushing and soaking my counterflow chiller, and making sure I'm ready to brew this weekend. Friday night I'll do one last boiling flush of the system with all the new hoses and fittings assembled to do a final cleaning, and make sure nothing leaks and everything works correctly. 

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